The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Monday, July 30, 2007

Helping cancer with a creative ads

Hoping that this spot becomes a viral..this is so touches the heart

unfortunatly I dont know the credits but the organization is called ninos con cancer



Social viral not still good..

This viral comes from Italy and the brand is a non govermental organization called Legambiente.
The viral is a tipical fake video that in the last times it seems really useful for a viral campaign. Unfortunatly viralmarketing speak a new language that is pretty difficult understand the coding and specially the decoding..

Agency: Forchets, Milan, Italy
Creative Directors: Niccolò Brioschi, Andrea Baccin
Art Director: Andrea Vitali
Copywriter: Luca “Bazooka” Bartoli
Director: A.K.A. Todor
Producer: Fabio Nesi for Casta Diva Pictures
Location: Lido di Camaiore
Music: Extrabeat Musicaroun

In this video, for example, it seems interesting till when the superhero arrives.. So, why a superhero in an amatorial video..? If in a viral video the creatives wanna use a fake amatorial video, It has to seem "real".. not with a superhero..

Not good but maybe it will have success...I hope so because it is a non govermental organization


Secondlife & Co. The moltiplication of the synthetic worlds

I m sure that the inflation about Secondlife is going to finish. First because always more people are going on other Synthetic worlds.. Yes, because on Secondlife there are usually a target of 25-35 and not all teenagers wanna go on WOW.. So there are many new worlds ready to be populated..
From the great Kzero

To date, this has been more of a ‘push’ strategy, with metaverses positioning themselves into particular ages ranges. The teen worlds such as Habbo, Whyville and Gaia Online are obvious examples of this with specific age bands for membership.

  • Habbo: 13-16
  • Whyville: 8 -15
  • Gaia Online: 13+
But other worlds, both in development and currently live place less emphasis on being a certain age or demographic type and openly invite anyone over the age of 18. So, if the age ranges for these types of metaverses is anyone over 18, you might expect the average ages/demographic sweet-spots to be very similar. As shown in the graph below, this is not the case. Factors are causing different age groups in different worlds (reds are live virtual worlds and yellows are in development).

and check this great statistic about these worlds


Advertisng from Napoli..creative or not?

I just come back to Rome after 5 days of sun and food in the south but also the convention called Creatives are bad where I was invited as an expert in Viral Marketing.. I ll do a post about that when the organization of the event will send me the video and the pics about my presentation..
But during my short holiday I did some pics about italian advs.. check it:

this is an adv about a soccer tournment the animals represent the teams: Napoli (donkey), Juventus (zebra) and Inter (snake).. The ad is pretty cool but 3 figures on a scooter without the crash helmet is not a good ad for the italian authority...DELETED!
Claim: Jamme Guagliù - Let's go guys (napoletan slang)
With the global warming and a new ecologistic time, Valfrutta (leader about fruits in Italy) has choosed a campaign about these values..
Claim: Usiamo solo energia eolica. Solo energia al 100%
We use only wind power. Only energy at 100%


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 it dying or not?

It s a bit that I dont speak about Secondlife,and with some posts from the delicious Kzero of Kevin, I found different statistics to analyze this synthetic world that has always more polemics..
Let's go..

This is the resident analysis of June 2007:
  • Registered accounts = 7.7m
  • Increase of 12.7%
  • Unique accounts = 5.2m
  • Increase of 19.5%
  • Hours per month per unique account = 4.18

In terms of active users by country:

  • US 26.45% up 3.3%
  • UK 7.16% up 22.0%
  • Brazil 7.35% up 52.5%
  • Italy 5.46% up 12.3%

a small decrease of users in the last months..

a bigger decrease for unique users and registration..interesting..

This is for Kevin the story of Secondlife in this year.. I m agree with him..but actually I think we have to wait what is coming in that world because more sythetic worlds are increasing as for example there

The age ranges is almost always the same..25-34..but this is normal! Secondlife is really complex and a target of 18-24 like more WOW or Habbo

Interesting also how the percentual of female users is decreasing..

But check how many hours the users are on SL for each country..

And check for continent..

So what does it mean all this? Well, there is of course a decrease of the Sl grow.. but is it a sign of the end? I dont think so.. Secondlife and more in general the synthetic worlds are the future.. we want an internet always more immersive and the Synthetic worlds are the most immersive space that we know..
They can't die but maybe they ll grow slowiest that all the world was thinking..


1 year of Viralavatar...

at the beginning it was Danieledanese and then Viralavatar...anyway one year of my monster!

hoping in September to create Viralavatar 2.0 and go on wordpress..


Monday, July 23, 2007

Not so original but simple and that or we ll go to die!!

If You Don't Recycle, Recycle.

Advertising Agency: Talent, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: João Livi
Art Director: Danilo César Siqueira
Copywriters: João Livi, Pedro Pedreira
Illustrator: Danilo César Siqueira
Photographers: Rodrigo Ribeiro, Mário Coelho


Bot marketing and a transformer on your messenger

Why put someone to communicate with someone else when a A.I. can do that? On the net there are always more Bots that do that. For Wikipedia
a bot is a computer program designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with one or more human users via auditory or textual methods. Though many appear to be intelligently interpreting the human input prior to providing a response, most chatterbots simply scan for keywords within the input and pull a reply with the most matching keywords or the most similar wording pattern from a local database. Chatterbots may also be referred to as talk bots, chat bots, or chatterboxes

Well, actually we can speak on our messenger also with a Transformer.
This new kind of campaign is done for the movie Transformers and how Martina of Adverblog says:
The campaign, developed by InsideC, targets the audience who watched the cartoon in the 80s (25-35) and the younger generation (12-25) who are excited about the story line and special effects. The purpose of the bot is to increase awareness of the movie and reach new users via the viral referral program. IM campaign is of course supported by online and offline banners which are asking users to add the bot to their contact list.
but the most important thing of her article is the bot marketing..she continues saying:
"Bot marketing" is emerging as an appealing tool to interact with teens (and not only). I've seen also some presentations of actions created by Yahoo! with its own IM system, and the results are quite impressive. Of course, we have to consider the power of the "novelty" effect, that can be a crucial driver in boosting word of mouth. In my opinion, after the first campaigns, it's already time to look forward, and start thinking creatively about the possible applications and features of the bot. The question we (marketers) should ask ourselves is pretty straightforward: who do you chat with via IM? Friends, relatives, colleagues. People who are relevant to you as individual, and with whom you can have an interesting conversation. So, ok, technology is there, but let's concentrate on giving users a good reason to talk with our artificial character. And I'm not sure, from the minimal interaction I experienced with him, that the Transformer bot is worth being on my contact list. But now it's too late, looks like I cannot remove him!

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Viralmarketingis the best and cheap way - VIDEO!

Thanks to my friend of Crazy Marketing blog i found this video that explain how viralmarketing and the way that it works is the cheapest and the fastest in the advertising strategy. The video is created thanks the VM - people agency...unfortunatly if they knew better viralmarketing, they knew that the video is too long..anyway it s a good video.


Creatives are bad - the bad/best advertising in Italy

I want to claim this interesting exhibition in Cava de Tirreni - Salerno- Italy(google maps). It is called Creative are bad (unfortunatly only in italian) and it is a demonstration organized thanks mtncompany about the campaigns that the italian client have refused in the last year. Usually the italian creatives are relly creative but the italian clients are really CLOSED! So, probably in this exhibition there will be the best campaigns that an advertiser can check! If u are an italian in holiday in the costiera amalfitana or a turist and between the 25th till the 30th of july, u ve to go there! It is FREE entrance and close to there there is the boat to Capri..
and I am a speaker as an expert in viralmarketing..


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bring the love back - advertiser vs consumer

The advertisers are comunicating always more different then their target..the consumers. The consumers want to decide and partecipate to the campaign, to the concept but also about the idea of a brand.. But usually the advertisers are blind in these things and they don't communicate with them.
For this Geert Desager and his agency has created a site called bringtheloveback and a video for Microsoft about the end of relation between a consumer and her advertiser.

As Geert says:
Together with our ad agency Openhere, I’m currently making a commercial for Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions. The film is called ‘The Couple’ and makes some statements about the relationship between today’s advertiser and today’s consumer. A quite risky project if you know that the commercial explicitly challenges the advertisers - our clients - to question themselves and the way they communicate with their target groups.

And when a video is interesting and speak directly to the users, the become directly a viral..


Friday, July 20, 2007

Homer Simpsons always more viral

As I already said here, the campaign to claim the first and new movie of the Simpsons is great, with viralmarketing strategies also.. checking around internet I found this new video..
Check it!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Carlsberg+Mentos VS Coca-cola+Mentos

The viral between Coca-cola+Mentos is one of the most famous in the history of virals...

Now Carlsberg has brang the idea to create its viral..nothing of special or original..but the originality is that probably this is the first viral that copies another viral.. GOOD!

via adverblog


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Viral ebola!!

The friends of Ebolaindustries (our partners at Goviral) had created a viral to claim theirself during the Cannes festival.. well this is their viral

The viral is pretty funny..the only negative point is the lenght of the viral, 1min and 33 sec is too long to be a viral.. but u know Ebola is one of the most powerful..and they can do that..Yes, they can!


Timbaland and Adidas say welcome to Beckham and the soccer in Us

This is a small analysis about how Adidas is trying to bring soccer in the american culture.. Beckham, the most important Adidas' testimonial is going to play in Us in a team where, of course the sponsor is Adidas.. To bring a new culture as soccer in a country as USA, of course Adidas has to use a lot of ads and also subliminal..

An example of subliminal message is inside the new video of Timbaland where 3 guys are playing soccer without any reason and in a frame there is the Adidas logo on the ball... Welcome soccer also in USA..


new viral for Nike and Rooney

The success of viralmarketing is unstoppable and Nike knows it.. This new viral for this shit brand is the result..good but too simple


Viral Simpsons

For the first movie of The Simpsons, there are on the net more then one campaign..but what I like is obviously the viral of it. Thanks to Francesco of MTNcompany,I found this cool, but unfortunatly I don't know the credits


A second real life for the trees thanks Secondlife

This is a blog about viral and Secondlife..but it is becoming also a blog about social (from 3rd world till global warming).. Because this blog is the mirror of his owner and I believe that all of these 3 point can cooperate and have success..

An example is Secondchancetrees, a project in Secondlife where
for each virtual tree planted »on Second Chance Trees island« in Second Life (at a cost of L$300, or about US$1), Plant-It will plant one tree in the real world. Now, the Second Chance Trees project has a chance to be funded to the tune of one to five million dollars (and plant a corresponding number of real-world trees) through the American Express Members Project, where Second Chance Trees has made it into the round of 50 finalists. Vote for the project if you dig what you see.

Found on 3pointd

This is the video:

Well, we have the power to not die today... we have to use it!


Guerrilla anti-suicide..

This guerrillas are smart and probably useful.. Against suicide..Because I m always more sure that ads can be a success in the social..

Claim: Saving one's life now, save your own later.

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson, Shanghai, China
Creative Director: Kevin Lee
Art Director: Jeremy Guo
Copywriter: Ben Chen
Photographer: Yang Shi
Published: Feb 2007


Fast without legs..and Nike add him as new testimonial

Oscar Pistorius. Who is him? The new symbol of sport..the runners without legs that runs with the "normal" athletes..Oscar Pistorius that the last 6th of July has finished second in a 400m race with able-bodied athletes at the Golden League meet in Rome. . He will becomes an idol and a resource for many people specially with handicap and Nike want be the brand of this resource!
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Photographer: Carlos Serrao

found at Ads of the World


Axe, 2 product for one

After almost 3 weeks without a post, it is hard decide what I can put on my blog.. a lot of stuffs.. Ok, start with AXE! A brand that is always creative and for the new campaign for AXE 3, 2 products to create one product...

From Ibelieveinadv:

“Crashes” shows a day in a guys life after spraying Axe 3, Combinable fragances: everywhere he goes girls crash into each other to make a third gorgeous one...

yes yes..but the guy got a Vespa...Italians do it better people..

Agency: VegaOlmosPonce, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Executive Creative Director: Hernán Ponce
Creative Director: Sebastián Stagno/Rafael D’Alvia
Copywriter: Matías Corbelle
Art Director: Diego Sánchez
Agency Producer: Roberto Carsillo
Account Supervisor: Néstor Ferreyro
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Pablo Gazzera/Florencia Peña/Cristian Cores/Fernando Laratro
Production Company, City: BLINK, London
2nd Production Company, City: PIONEER PRODUCTIONS, Buenos Aires
Director: Lynn Fox
Music - Artist/Title: Full Time Hobby
Sound Design/Arrangement: La Casa Post Sound
Post Production: The Mill Londres
Other Credits: Client Services Director: Vanina Rudaeff


Back to Rome, Italy

Well, well, well, after a long absence, here we are. Who follows this blog already knows that I was in Denmark to study/work 1 year and after Roskilde festival, I came back in Italy. And this is it! Now I m in my own town..ROME!! the warm Rome. But as usual in this blog, it is better that the pics speak for me..

Roskilde: Me and the Orange stage, the biggest of the seven stages...

A murales about Animal farmMud for 10 days to Roskilde festival...Iron men/women ready!!
My tend at Roskilde festival
Ad by fuckin McDonald's for Roskilde festival... but unfortunatly this is really cool
Claim: Well, we can't compete with the music..

Florence and my beer Birra Moretti

Me, my friend and the italian Sky

Me in Florence with the t-shirt of Christiania

Ready to live in Rome, Italy...missing Copenhagen anf thinking next March..I ll go to live to Barcelona
