The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Aids Youth campaign...

So good this new campaign aganist AIDS...

more info on

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ignoring global warming won't make it go away..WWF VIRAL!

The claim of this new WWF's campaign is "ignoring global warming won't make it go away"...Reflect about this!

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Sony...Like no other.

New color for the new television Sony Bravia

Agency: Euro RSCG, Buenos Aires.

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"My Mom Said I Could"

See this funny viral... the product are CONDOMS.

Agency: TBWA/Paris
Creative Staff: Erik Vervroegen / Chris Garbutt / Matthew Branning
Production Company: Lovo Films / la meme paris
Director: Frank Devos
Producer: J.J. Cabuy
Photography: Sasha Wiernick

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Lulu... Free publish for everyone

"Lulu is fast, easy and free
Publish and sell easily within minutes.

No set-up fees. No minimum order.
Keep control of the rights.
Set your own price.
Each product is printed as it is ordered.
No excess inventory."
With u can publish and sell your work all the world..It is simple and FREE, ok probably u ll dont became rich but it is ok.. read the articles!

ENGLISH VERSION_Want to publish your own book? Lulu is an on-demand publishing service that prints and ships each book as it is ordered, then offers online tools for authors to sell and market their books over the Web. With no upfront fees, Lulu ( takes a commission only when each book is sold.
ITALIAN VERSION_Se nove libri su dieci vengono rifiutati dagli editori, non è necessariamente perché sono scritti male, ma più semplicemente perché non hanno mercato. Ne è convinto Bob Young, co-fondatore della Red Hat, la più famosa società open source al mondo, in visita in Italia per lanciare la sua ultima creatura: Nato quattro anni fa, il sito è sbarcato in Italia questa settimana, e promette di dare la possibilità a chiunque di pubblicare, promuovere e vendere le proprie fotografie, cd musicali, cortometraggi, opuscoli, saggi, o raccolte di poesia. stampa solo gli esemplari che vengono venduti. C'è un prezzo fisso per i costi di produzione che varia dai 5 ai 10 euro e una commissione pari al 20% sui diritti d'autore. Al centro della politica di c'è chi scrive l'opera. L'autore decide il prezzo aumentando o diminuendo i diritti, ma non deve più fare i conti con l'editore, solo con il mercato e i quindi i lettori.

I published my thesis...u can see it HERE!!

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

German campaign aganist AIDS

Look this nice Aids campaign from Germany: link vergessen-ist-ansteckend

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

R.I.P. SMS...Wellcome MSN

A new media are changing mobile's functions.. While before all people sended Sms with their mobiles now a new function they can have on mobile. Hi3G and MSN are promoting in some country like Austria and "mine" Denmark the function to sending some message directly on MSN or MSN mobile..In this sense, if every people will have in the next future MSNmobile..the people ll send only MSN message with emoticon and so on..
Maybe some of you knew this function before to read this post..but the interest thing is that now, in these countries there are strong campaigns who promote this function..
see for ex this pic..
link: adverblog


Hi guys. I wanna tell u about a my friend's book, her name is Chiara Androne..remember!. It is (unfortunaly) in italian. It is a romance speak about a non-love story between two bestfriends...It is simple to read..
The name of book is "Come pane e burro" and u can see it on Ilfilo editrice or buy on ibs
Best place to read: in a garden, before to sleep, in "private rooms"..

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Viral HP Finger

So, See this video...So nice..It's becoming so famous in the net...but behind it, there isn't a guy who wanna become famous with his fingers but HP...if u see infact
u can understand what i say. But the video is so funny..also if is a FAKE


I won 2000 DKK in Diesel clothes for the Diesel pic!

Crazy guys! For this Diesel pic i won 2000dkk in Diesel fornitures..

Saturday, October 21, 2006

1.000.000 of second lifes..and Reuters opens virtual news bureau

From yesterday Second life has 1.000.000 members..It is reality..
Than, the agency Reteurs has opens virtual news bureau, Starting on Wednesday, Reuters plans to begin publishing text, photo and video news from the outside world for Second Life members and news of Second Life..

Safari in Denmark


Thursday, October 19, 2006


Hey guys this is so IMPORTANT. I want speak about VOIPSTUNT. It is like the most famous Skype but it has only a different. U can call the telephones for Free!
The grahic is not so good, there is that yellow so bad but doesn't matter...IT S FREE

Vi ses on Voipstunt

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Viral Dove evolution

This viral is a very good video. Dove go for her street and its breand idea about the real beauty...why?Because the viral say the exactly opposite.

Sony bravia 2.0...Viral..Like no other

The new viral video of Sony Bravia is great!And it is having a big success on the net..It is wonderful, behind there is a very great creative idea but i think it is wrong the soundtrack...It was so difficult made a video better then the past..the coloured balls that fallen by the San Francisco's streets..Do u remember?

See the video

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Last day with my mom; Christiania e "magic" tree

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Video in Malmo

the symbol of Malmo: the Malmo Massan...60 floors..

Malmo! Sweden

the new symbol of Malmo: the Malmo Massan...60 floors..
A very nice skate park where over 50 skaters played.. SEE THE VIDEO TO UNDERSTAND IT!

me and my mom...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Lille Havfrue og Dyrehaven park

Me my mom and the Lille Havfrue ... and the new...Lille Havfrue
Now i understand why Danish likes..beers (Tuborg..)
This tree at the enter of Dyrehaven park has more than 800 years old..
Inside the park we saw many bucks and stags in completly so so nice..
Bambi and his /her (i never understand who gender it is..) friends..

Kultur Natten in CPH!!Notte bianca

Kultur Natten was very nice specially with my mom! We went in so many museum specially about design...

in a nice presentation (Co-Evolution) about a work/collaboration beetween danish architecters and China for a future development sostenible..

Friday, October 13, 2006


si si si



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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Google buy YouTube: Wellcome GooTube

I wrote about this and finally it was happened..
Google has buied YouTube

ENGLISH VERSION_What they hadn't yet figured out was making money from their site. Google Inc. took that problem off their hands Monday, by agreeing to buy the site for $1.65 billion.
YouTube will continue to retain its brand, its new headquarters in San Bruno and all 67 employees, including co-founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. Meanwhile, Google will continue to run a less popular video service on its own site.
"We are excited to have the resources to move faster than ever before," Hurley, YouTube's 29-year-old CEO, said during a Monday interview.
ITALIAN VERSION_ Google ha fatto il grande colpo: ha concluso un accordo per l'acquisto di YouTube, leader mondiale nella distribuzione di immagini gratis su internet, per la somma record di un miliardo e 650 milioni di dollari (oltre un miliardo e 200 milioni di euro). La notizia è stata data dai vertici del colosso californiano che ha così confermato le indiscrezioni dei giorni scorsi. Il gruppo di Mountain View vuole con questa operazione garantirsi un ruolo di spicco nella rivoluzione delle immagini video sul web.
YouTube, che non fa ancora profitti, è l'acquisto più oneroso fatto da Google da quando la società ha fatto il suo esordio sul mercato otto anni fa.
YouTube - che secondo alcuni esperti potrebbe avere in futuro seri problemi di copyright - conserverà il suo nome e i suoi 67 dipendenti e continuerà a operare in modo indipendente

LonelyGirl15 helps Union Nations

This story is incredible.. The fake poor girls Lonelygirl15 who with YouTube had conquered more than 1 million people on the net and later was discovered that she was only an actress, now, helps the Union Nations...Where? From her fake room...It is an hard strategy because her fake was discovered less than one months ago...Infact, the people of the net hate her and u can see on the posts of her video on YouTube..u can see it here
But sure..Big visibility for this actress..

ENGLISH VERSION_ The Wall Street Journal reports that the United Nations' antipoverty Millenium Project has enlisted the team behind the Lonelygirl15 YouTube saga to record a PSA for the antipoverty campaign. Which is all fine and good, worthy cause, et cetera -- but does an internet celebrity carry any weight when said celebrity is more or less nonexistent?

Also, somewhat unrelated: if the Lonelygirl15 videos are going to continue, can she please stop overplucking the middle of her eyebrows? So much room for improvement there.
ITALIAN VERSION_ Dal web all'Onu. Dalla visibilità mediatica alla lotta contro la povertà. L'Onu ha scelto una serie di testimonial della rete per sponsorizzare l'impegno dell'Organizzazione a favore dei più bisognosi. Tra i volti più noti l'ormai notissima Bree di "LonelyGirl15", avvenente bellezza del web che, con le su clip, per mesi ha impazzato nella comunità virtuale di YouTube. Fino a quando non si è scoperto che, in realtà, Bree era un'attrice professionista che recitava davanti alla telecamera.
Interpretata dalla 25enne neozelandese Jessica Lee Rose, Bree tornerà a raccontarsi nella stessa maniera che l'ha resa famosa, seduta sul suo letto davanti alla cam. E darà una mano all'Onu che ha come obiettivo quello di servirsi della rete per diffondere un messaggio a milioni di persone in tutto il mondo.

Monday, October 09, 2006


I m so happy to live OUT of ITALY..WHY? See the video..The show is calls "La pupa e il secchione" and it's a reality show with ipotetical machos and nice pussies.. The two protagonists are politics...The man is calls Sgarbi and is the Culture council than the woman is calls Alessandra Mussolini: she is the granddaughter of the dictator Benito Mussolini. In Italy she is the leader of a party calls Alternativa Sociale..naturally a right's party..
In this stupid relity show these two politics are guests to comment the adventures of the players in the show..For a banal thing the two politics starts to hit.. CRAZY!
The most important words that u ll listen in the video will be:
Vaffanculo: Fuck u
Non mi toccare: Don't touch me
Stronzo/a: Fucking man/woman
Puttana: Bitch
Fascista!: fascist!

Wonderful italian culture..

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Google wants you tube?

I just come back from Oslo and see in my contact links that google are buying You Tube for $1,6 billion.. For the same money, more or less, E-bay bought Skype one year ago..

ENGLISHVERSION_Inter search leader Google Inc. is in talks to acquire the popular online video site YouTube Inc. for about $1.6 billion in cash and stock, according to published reports.
Google and San Mateo, Calif.-based YouTube are still at a sensitive stage in the discussion, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times reported on their Web sites Friday, citing unidentified people familiar with the negotiations. By July, the number of monthly visitors had grown to about 30.5 million, compared with 9.3 million for Google Video and 5.3 million for Yahoo Inc.'s Yahoo Video, according to Nielsen//NetRatings. YouTube users watch more than 100 million videos daily.

ITALIAN VERSION_ Secondo l'autorevole Wall Street Journal, che cita una fonte informata, il colosso del web che risponde al nome di Google sta trattando l'acquisto di YouTube, principale sito web per la condivisione di video. Il tutto per una cifra che si aggira intorno a 1,6 miliardi di dollari (equivalenti a oltre 1,2 miliardi di euro). YouTube è leader del settore, e su questo non c'è alcun dubbio: solo nel mercato statunitense vanta una percentuale del 46%, contro l'11% dello stesso servizio offerto dal motore di ricerca di Mountain View. Complessivamente su YouTube i navigatori vedono oltre 100 milioni di filmati al giorno. Fondato nel febbraio 2005, il servizio video che consente agli utenti di condividere brevi video clip, sia programmi salvati dalla tv che filmati autoprodotti, ha vissuto un vero e proprio boom alla fine dello scorso anno.

oslo videotrip!

OSLO trip!


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