The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Before to leave...Cannes lions Amnesty International

Today I leave but before, I ve to add these 2 commercial of Amnesty International that won a lion to Cannnes

“Your signature is more powerful than you think. Amnesty International.”

This film illustrates graphicaly how a simple signature on a petition can provide real help to victims of torture, abuse, arbitrary imprisonment.

Gold in Film category at Cannes Lions 2007

Agency: TBWA\PARIS, France
Executive Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Art Directors: Stephanie Thomasson, Stephane Gaubert
Copywriters: Stephane Gaubert, Stephanie Thomasson
Account Supervisor: Guillaume Allilaire
Production Company: MAGIC LAB, Montreuil
Director: Philippe Grammaticopoulos
Producer: Maxime Boiron

“Your signature is more powerful than you think. Amnesty International.”

A soldier is about to execute someone. As he shoots, flying petitions get in the way of the bullet, slowing it down until it falls to the ground in front of the doomed.

Silver in Film category at Cannes Lions 2007

Agency: TBWA\PARIS, France
Executive Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Art Director: Nicolas Moreau
Copywriter: Nicolas Moreau
Account Supervisor: Guillaume Allilaire
Production Company: FESTEN FILMS, Paris
Director: Les Blin
Producer: Christian Delhaye

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Last day in Copenhagen

Yes it is finished..Ok, I m coming back the 11th of July but from tomorrow I ll be to Roskilde festival, the biggest european festival!! Which bands are there? Something like Bjork, Red hot chili peppers, Beastie boys, John Legend, Anthony B, The Muse, The Killers and 300 all the bands..9 days.. It gonna be huge but with the danish shit weather..mmm..cross the finger.

Ok before to leave, some pictures about the last times here in wonderful Copenhagen:

Me on a boat around the Copenhagen's canals.. we did 500 m in 1 hours..

Advertising of Sony in a metro stop in CPH
Guerrilla for a new product of fuckin Mc Donalds

The poster that I designed for the concert of Sizzla
The danish environment.. a machine to recycle the plastic glass.. for each glass, 5 dkk (0,65 cent of euro)
But sometimes the danish communication is amazing..this is a good example

And finally environment! This guerrilla is about CO2 and it s situated in the center of the main street of CPH..great. check more on

Yes it is finished..

This experience is been for sure my best experience ever.. I feel different, better..and I hope also more mature..

Just thanks to everybody! I ll never forget u!

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La linea is only one!

Maybe it's because I m coming back in Italy, or just because La linea is a part of advertising history and Osvaldo Cavandoli is the father of it ... but the new campaign of Mitsu permanent marker is too close to the old advertising of Lagostina.

Claim: The very strong line

Creative Director: Nicolas Stigset
Copywriter: Maxime Dusart

and now check the original!


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cannes lions: outdoors lions for PEOPLE IN NEED CHARITY

This one...yes this! Absolutly the best in Cannes. Unfortunatly it won only the silver lions in outdoors category. The organization PEOPLE IN NEED CHARITY has won thanks the agency Saatchi & Saatchi.

Claim: aftershave 35 euro, basic home 6,50 euro

Handbag 32 euro - Food for a week 4 euro

Pint of beer 4,50 euro - 50 liters of fresh water 1,50 euro

Sunglasses 24 euro - access to water 8 euro

Category: Fundraising & Appeals
Advertiser/Client: CORDAID
Entrant Company, City: SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Amstelveen
Advertising Agency, City: SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Amstelveen
Creative Director: Magnus Olsson
Copywriter: Saatchi/Saatchi Tribe
Art Director: Saatchi/Saatchi tribe (Tim Bishop)
Photographer: Calle Stolze
Producer: Jan Willem Wiesenekker
Account Supervisor: Ard Krak
Advertiser's Supervisor: Alexandra van Nieuwenhuyzen


Cannes lions: outdoors lions WWF

My blog is becoming a real social advertising blog..well for the Cannes lions in the outdoors category, WWF has won thanks to the agency Contrapunto a silver lion. Nice and clear. What about the effect? I am still in dubt.Claim:
A single can of dissolvent pollute millions of litres of water.
Category: Public Awareness Messages
Advertiser/Client: WWF/ADENA
Entrant Company, City: CONTRAPUNTO, Madrid
Country: SPAIN
Advertising Agency, City: CONTRAPUNTO, Madrid
Country: SPAIN
Executive Creative Director: Antonio Montero
Creative Director: Jaime Chavarri/Ivan de Dios
Copywriter: Jaime Chavarri
Art Director: Ivan de Dios
Account Supervisor: Eva Alvarez
Advertiser's Supervisor: Mª Angeles de Pablo

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Find the good job with a guerrilla

This guerrilla for is genial! First is really realistic but otherwise is a sticker, second it capture the attention.. no so simple with the "visual smog" that today we have in the cities.


Life's too short for the wrong job.

Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany
Creative Directors: Matthias Spaetgens, Jan Leube
Copywriters: Daniel Boedeker, Axel Tischer
Art Director: David Fischer
Photographer: Hans Starck
Producer: Søren Gessat
Account Supervisors: Katrin Seegers, Katrin Voss, Jana Wolotschij
Advertiser's Supervisors: Erich Galacho, Stefan Kraft
Graphic: Robert Bilz, Steffen Kreft, Tabea Rauscher

From adsoftheworld

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mondi Virtuali: Secondlife convention in Milan

Last 19th of June there was a convention in Milan called Mondi Virtuali (virtual worlds). The main point of this convention was Secondlife and its infinitive way to use this synthetic world! Interesting the presentation of Nic Mitham, chairman of Kzero and his presentation about the Seven Point Plan for marketing in Second Life.

This is the link of the presentation:

These are the slides of the presentation

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Cannes lions: cyber lions Goviral!!

Yes! In this Cannes Festival also GoViral has win. First we made a seminary and then we won with viral Quicksilver. As I already showed , the viral of Quicksilver has won the sylver cyber lions with the Dynamite surfing created by the agency SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Copenhagen.
and thanks to us that spreaded the viral...

Type Of Entry: Viral Advertising
Category: Viral Video
Entrant Company, City: SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Copenhagen
Country: DENMARK
Advertising/Web Design Agency, City: SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Copenhagen
Country: DENMARK

Credit Details:
Name Position Company
Simon Wooller Creative Director Saatchi & Saatchi
Rasmus Petersen Creative Saatchi & Saatchi
Lasse Bækbo Hinke Creative Saatchi & Saatchi
Anna-Marie Elkjær Producer Saatchi & Saatchi Film Dept.
Jan Tvilling Postproduction/VFX Sonne Film
Jonas Arnby Director
Bjørn Vidø Sound Designer Freezone
Ulrik Boel Bentzen/Johan Svendsen DOP
Henrik Jensen Editor Saatchi & Saatchi
SIAL Music

Quiksilver is one of the largest manufacturers of lifestyle clothing and board related equipment. The aim of this campaign was to raise awareness of Quiksilver brand and position Quiksilver as the innovator in the category. The use of Viral marketing was critical to this campaign. Through a "Core Seeding" strategy, which allowed us to communicate to the closely-knit surf community before we communicated to the wider mainstream target group. The "urban surfing" mentality is a key ingredient in Quiksilver's DNA. The viral film turned up on 95% of all surf websites worldwide within four days of it's release. So far an estimated 20 million people have seen Dynamite Surfing online.


Cannes lions: cyber lions Dove

Here the second cyber lions win. Dove! It wasn't so difficult guess that the viral campaign of OGILVY & MATHER is the winner for the category viral. As, I told in one of my past post, This viral video of Dove is genial.
Infact, as a good viral, the viral Dove video:
  • is not short but
  • crates attention
  • increase during the time
  • has a viral language ("mmm interesting and real! I send to my friends")
  • has the same brand strategy of the brand!
Simply the best


Type Of Entry: Viral Advertising
Category: Viral Video
Advertiser/Client: UNILEVER CANADA
Entrant Company, City: OGILVY & MATHER, Toronto
Country: CANADA
Advertising/Web Design Agency, City: OGILVY & MATHER, Toronto
Country: CANADA

Credit Details:
Name Position Company
Janet Kestin/Nancy Vonk Chief Creative Officers Ogilvy&Mather
Tim Piper/Mike Kirkland Art Directors Ogilvy&Mather
Tim Piper Writer Ogilvy&Mather
Brenda Surminski Agency Producer Ogilvy&Mather
Yael Staav/Tim Piper Directors Reginald Pike/Ogilvy&Mather
Tico Poulakakis Cinematographer Reginald Pike
Jennifer Walker Production House Producer Reginald Pike
Stephanie Kouverianos Soho Post Producer Soho
David Hayman/Andrew Harris Music Vapor
Paul Gowan Editor Rogue Editing

Dove 'Evolution' is a riveting, 1:14 time-lapse film of a young woman's transformation from pretty, but ordinary girl to strikingly beautiful billboard model. It deconstructs the beauty myth by revealing everything from the impact of lighting through the application of hair and make-up to retouching, to the photoshop-stretching of neck and impossible widening of eyes, ending with the comment, "No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted." Its goal was to promote Dove Self-Esteem workshops in Canada and create broader awareness of the Dove Self-Esteem Fund.


Cannes lions: cyber lions Diesel

Two interesting Gran prix have won the Cyber lions at the Cannes lions festival this year.
The first is Diesel and its Heidies. The concept is to create a sort of video sexy diary between 2 girls and their sexy lifes. All filmed by cameras. here one of the videos:

Type Of Entry: Websites & Microsites
Category: Clothing, Footwear & Accessories
Advertiser/Client: DIESEL
Product/Service: UNDERWEAR
Entrant Company, City: FARFAR, Stockholm
Country: SWEDEN
Advertising/Web Design Agency, City: FARFAR, Stockholm
Country: SWEDEN

Six video cameras, live 24 hours a day, 5 days in a row on Two gorgeous and crazy girls wanted to become famous. These two girls, The Heidies, steal the new and unreleased Diesel Intimate collection, kidnap a guy from Diesel, and lock themselves (and him) into a hotel room for five days. They want to show the world what they are doing! The Heidies interacted and chatted with their growing audience, uploading their shenanigans to the site as well as a chunk load of other popular sites.

brava also to Martina and her job


Cannes lions: outdoors lions

Probably Ned Bank really care about the third world..or maybe not. Anyway, with this campaign the agency BBDO ha won the granprix cannes lion:


Type Of Entry: AMBIENT
Category: Ambient: Special Build
Advertiser/Client: NEDBANK
Product/Service: BANK
Entrant Company, City: NET#WORK BBDO, Johannesburg
Advertising Agency, City: NET#WORK BBDO, Johannesburg
Executive Creative Director: Julian Watt/Mike Schalit
Creative Director: Julian Watt
Copywriter: Brad Reilly
Art Director: Jonathan Santana
Producer: Clinton Mitri
Account Supervisor: Caree Ferrari
Advertiser's Supervisor: Greg Gardens


Resident analysis in secondlife

New research from Kzero about the reidents that live in Secondlife.

Here are the highlights up to end of May 2007:

  • Registered accounts up 887k to 6.8m
  • Unique accounts up 602k to 4.3m
  • Total hours up 2.6m to 20.7m
  • Hours per unique account down 0.06hrs to 4.75hrs
  • 18-24 age group up 2.6%
  • 25-34 age group down 0.1%
  • 34-44 age group down 4%
  • 45+ age group down 2.7%
  • US active users down 3.9% to 25.6%
  • Germany active users up 1.37% to 11.74%
  • Spanish active users up 1.87% to 5.1%
  • Japanese active users up 0.32% to 3.7%
  • Western Europe active users up 2.24% to 46.79%
  • North American active users down 4.27% to 28.01%
Only one reflection: Invest in Europe is of course interesting and potential for europeans and for the world. But how my professor Boccia Artieri told me, while in US, Secondlife is views as a place to explore and experiment, in Europe this is viewed as a business..


Saturday, June 23, 2007

See both sides of the story.. BBC knows it

For the beginning of BBC world on air in US, the english television has producted this nice campaign about the "both sides of the story". Interesting also the interactive campaign. It is infact possible send an sms to say for example if China is seeing as a friend or an enemy...
Interesting and, at the same moment amazing that americans seeing a pic of thei soldiers had voted them as liberators and not occupiers.

Advertising Agency: BBDO New York, USA
Chief Creative Officers: David Lubars, Bill Bruce
Executive Creative Director: Eric Silver
Creative Directors: Jerome Marucci, Ari Weiss
Copywriters: Adam Kanzer, Ari Weiss
Art Directors: Jamie Overkamp, Jerome Marucci

via Adsoftheworld


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Playboy is on the island.. sexy Secondlife

Also Playboy doesn't miss to became synthetic and more immersive. Another island is been created on Secondlife.. And this time it has the form of a rubbit, the logo of Playboy. According with the magazine "Playboy island will house a virtual Playboy retail store, and host a variety of events and “social opportunities.". There is already a merchandise from its e-commerce sites, and but on Secondlife, residents will be able to purchase Playboy-branded apparel either for the real world or for their Second Life avatars. In other clothes for their avatars and watch the best avatars ever in Secondlife..
Yes, for me almost everything on Secondlife is good.. it is a new kind of world, but at least specially another communication channel and the potential and the problem of it is too immersive.. and about sex, I am completly in disagreement


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Secondlife agency spot

Yes, yes! While I m trying to go with my agency of viral marketing ( ), there is someone that are doing and creating all my ideas.. Believe me, I already tought to do an ad like this to enjoy the new beginning of Goviral in Secondlife..Good for DRAFTFCB and their island.


GoViral at the Cannes Festival

Just to let u know that from yesterday is open the Cannes Lion festival
and GoViral is no..sigh..
We did a seminary the 17th about the new strategy of Goviral. Here u can download the abstract. The main point of this seminary is th new stategy/theory of Goviral:

Ads are dead, long live content

Welcome to the Media Youcracy, Goodbye to Media Feudalism.

More news in the next days
If u know a way to watch Cannes in streaming please let me know!


Global Warming Secondlife

Who reads this blog already know that I care my world more then Secondlife.. but to make aware about the curse of today, members of Adventure Ecology have created a global warming effect on Secondlife..

Thanks to
