The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I m going in Scandinavia..pause for 2 weeks

Hey guys...a pause of 2 weeks, I m going friday for 2 weeks in Scandinavia...ALONE!!!!!!!! it will be hard but thanks also to, it will be more simple.. I hope to go to the polar circle but it will be difficult.. I need a travel! Switch off the quotidian life some times is good but specially is necessary switch off the net!
And then, watch Sweden , Norway, Finland and Estonia....It will be soooo good!
Coz I wanna go hereand do this!!but before to go, last ads..
New Excelsior TeathrespidermanTrafficDracula

Agency: Flea Communication, Mumbai, India
Creative Directors: Sachin Bavkar, Sunil Shibad
Art director: Sachin Bavkar
Copywriter: Sunil Shibad

2) Jack Astor's Bar and Grill - w the italian stereotyps
TAXI Canada, Toronto
Jack Astor’s Restaurant - “Meatball”
Client: SIR Corp.
Agency: TAXI Canada, Toronto
Executive Creative Director: Zak Mroueh
Associate Creative Director: Jane Murray
Copywriter: Ryan Wagman
Art Director: Ron Smrczek
Photographer: Anthony Cheung
Illustrators: Geoff Donovan/Jaimes Zentil/Nuno Ferreira
Production Manager: Lynnette Fernandes

3) Sky cinema summer .- Star Wars at the beach

via Klog

That's all!!!
I go in the freeze

Vi ses

NEW MY CLAIM: The 2 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity
Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Vanguard: new game for Sony online enterteiment

The open beta Sigil’s Vanguard: Saga of Heroes begins, with the beta client up on FilePlanet as we speak, though only available to subscribers and preorder folks for the first week. With the beginning of this final phase of testing the NDA has also been lifted and tongues are wagging, including my own. I’ve been in the closed beta for the past several weeks now, having spent more than enough time to give you some basic impressions of the game.
Vanguard is an MMO created by Brad McQuaid, one of the creators of the original Everquest, who left the company to explore possibilities. Possibilities like creating a game that plays like the missing link between EQ1 and EQ2.
Sony Online Entertainment and Sigil Games Online has announced that open beta will begin tomorrow, January 5th, for the upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Tomorrow players that are participating in the pre-order program will be able to access the open beta. Other adventurers interested in exploring the world of Telon can head over to to begin their journey. Vanguard: Saga of Heroes will immerse players in a classical fantasy setting filled with magic and intrigue beginning in Q1 of 2007.

About Vanguard
The adventurous can choose from multiple paths of exploration within the three spheres of advancement: adventuring, crafting, and diplomacy. Players can delve into the mysteries of Telon, and embark upon quests to slay monstrous beasts locked deep inside rugged mountain ranges. Those with a quick mind can use diplomacy to convince kings to move armies and change the course of history. With player-crafted boats, flying mounts, and customizable player housing, Vanguard offers players a world of their own choosing.

Maybe one day, Mexico will conquer US..with a beer

Nice ad, for one time, Usa is conquered! Mexico do it thanks a beer.. Nice, nice but the americans are a lot patriotics, maybe the feedback will be different than the agency is waiting..
Agency: Euro RSCG, New York, USA
Executive Creative Director: Jeff Kling
Creative Director: Nick Cohen
Art Directors: Vladislav Ivangorodsky, Dave Arnold
Copywriters: Jason Miller, Jasson Kreher
Designer: Vladislav Ivangorodsky
Illustrator: Joe Giglio

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icerocket tags:

Saturday, January 27, 2007

My exam:"Surveillance, copyright, freedom and privacy: opportunity and risk of video sharing.. YouTube’n’sons"

Ok guys, the 25th i did another exam and i took 11! video and slides..

Veja Magazine know the two sides of reality..

HEAL - sin
SUICIDE - right to die
BOMB - bluff

View the previous campaigns for Veja Magazine

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the women don't read The Economist..Wonderbra know it

bad ad for golf..but with effect

Sure this ad is not so politically correct, has a strong "impact"!

AGENCY:Westerdals school of communications
ART DIRECTOR:Magnus Høgberg Hansen
COPYWRITER:Pål Høyer-Andreassen

Via IHaveAnIdea

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Where are you..YOUTUBE..

Where is YouTube..if u go on u find today, only this image...
What's up? Maybe first real problems of surveillance, copyright and freedom?

Italian stereotypes...funny ad from Axe

Italian latinlovers, sexy, pizza man and more..only in one ads
Good and funny campaign from AXE

nature as september 11

Wonderful ad..

Claim: For nature every day is 9/11

Agency: CLM BBDO, Paris, France
Via: Adgoodness

Sunday, January 21, 2007

the perfect girl,,

for Anabell
Agency: McCann Erickson, Prague, Czechoslovakia
Creative Director: Lars Killi
Copywriter: Jaromir Fischer
Art Director: Alla Havlickova
Photographer: Goran Tacevski

Saturday, January 20, 2007

SecondLife_ my exam in DK for my new blog

New blog guys!ok same graphic but another name: a name that, i m sure will be search a lot in the future on google.. i m happy for it..
So, first i have to tell to bruno thanks for his help to change my blog!
and now, let's go!
Here u can see my slides in Power point for my exam on SL. I did this exam the 15th jan 2007 with the course of Game/ prof. Kjetil Sandvik, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. vote 9!

U can find this slides and other my works on http

but.. u can see also my videos of the exam!

my presentation


question 2


Friday, January 19, 2007

Tuborg for every tastes..what is yours?

Tuborg can be your beer in every kind of party..they r sure about it!

Tuborg. The fun starts here.

Agency: Noble Graphics Creative Studio, Belgium
Photographer: Bliss Worx


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

This is guerrilla marketing...Axe knows it

This new campaign of Axe is absolutly cool...This is a real guerrilla marketing example!Agency: Lowe, Belgium
Creative Director: Véronique Hermans
Copywriter: Julie Bosteels
Art Director: Ad van Ongeval
Illustrator: Ad Van Ongeval
Account services: Manu Van Der Wielen

Labels: , , , , , ,

Saturday, January 13, 2007

italian creativity at work...Moretti 0 and sky tg24

it feels that the first days of 2007 brings a lot of creativity..
2 videos from italy.. Not the best...but they start to do something better than the last years..

Art director: Sergio Spaccavento
Copywriter: Riccardo Catagnano
Director: Matteo Pellegrini

Agency: Armando Testa, Milan, Italy
Art director: Carlo de Amici
Copywriter: Marco Calaprice
Director, Film master: Michele Mortara

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Friday, January 12, 2007

Dangerous and funny new viral video for Toyota.

This video can feel funny..but, in the last time specially in US, a lot of guys make some videos like this..And there are just now the first victims...As often happens, a viral video is not educative..

Agency: Saatchi, UK
Art Director: Pablo Videla
Copywriter: Howard Green
Creative Directors: Dave Henderson, Richard Denney
Executive Creative Director: Kate Stanners
Producer: John Doris
Director: Owen Harris
Pord Co Producer: Lisa Trnovski

Creativity to save the world!

an interesting guerrilla marketing campaign from BUNDclaim: The world can't take anymore CO2.

Members of the BUND put globe-ballons on exhaust-pipes of cars in Berlin. The exhaust gas inflates the ballons. And after the message becomes readable, there is a big bang.

Agency: Butter.Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Creative Director: Timm Holm, Michael Preuss
Art director: Björn von Buchholtz
Copywriter: Hermann Weiss
Photographer: Paul Seitz

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Long lasting erections with Entran

wonderful ad to claim condoms..maybe he is italian..eheh

Agency: McCann Erickson, Romania
Creative Directors: Adrian Botan & Alexandru Dumitrescu
Art Director: Andrei Tripsa
Copywriter: Constantin Milu
Production Company: Factor, Bucharest
Film Director: Octavian Segarceanu
Agency Producer: Tiberiu Munteanu

Also Scandinavians don't wanna go at work..Telenor ad

Agency: DDB, Oslo
Art Director: DDB, Oslo
Copywriter: DDB, Oslo
Production Company: Einar Film, Oslo
Film Director: Morten TYldum
Production Company Producer: Guri Neby
Agency Producer: Cyril Boije

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

do u want change job?it is quite impossible!


Risposte alla domanda “Quante volte hai cambiato azienda lungo l’arco della tua vita professionale?” per singola nazione

Answer to the questin "How many times did u changed work in your life?
mai avuto impiego= never worked

mai: never

azione Quante volte
Mai avuto
un impiego
Mai da 1 a 5 da 6 a 10 > di 10
Belgio 17% 23% 52% 5% 1%
Repubblica Ceca 10% 18% 62% 3% 0%
Danimarca 4% 7% 58% 22% 6%
Germania 11% 16% 62% 6% 1%
Grecia 247% 23% 46% 5% 1%
Spagna 19% 15% 50% 7% 2%
Francia 13% 21% 49% 14% 2%
Irlanda 13% 23% 50% 6% 1%
Italia 24% 21% 47% 3% -
Ungheria 13% 18% 56% 8% 1%
Olanda 9% 17% 58% 11% 2%
Austria 7% 18% 60% 5% 1%
Polonia 17% 24% 52% 4% 0%
Portogallo 16% 21% 51% 6% 0%
Finlandia 6% 13% 64% 12% 4%
Svezia 7% 11% 61% 16% 3%
Regno Unito 5% 12% 58% 18% 5%
MEDIA UE A 25 14% 18% 55% 9% 2%

isposte per singola nazione alla domanda “Da quanto tempo lavori per l’attuale datore lavoro o hai lavorato per l’ultimo datore di lavoro”

How long are you working in your company or for the last one?

Nazione Anni
Mai avuto
un impiego
Meno di 1 da 1 a 5 da 6 a 10 da 11 a 20 > di 20
Belgio 17% 4% 23% 14% 14% 23%
Repubblica Ceca 10% 4% 30% 18% 17% 15%
Danimarca 4% 12% 38% 14% 13% 17%
Germania 11% 5% 26% 16% 17% 21%
Grecia 24% 5% 23% 15% 14% 19%
Spagna 19% 11% 25% 11% 14% 14%
Francia 13% 6% 30% 13% 16% 19%
Irlanda 13% 6% 30% 13% 9% 11%
Italia 24% 3% 22% 13% 12% 16%
Ungheria 13% 9% 27% 13% 15% 17%
Olanda 9% 10% 31% 17% 14% 16%
Austria 7% 5% 25% 17% 17% 17%
Polonia 17% 6% 24% 13% 15% 20%
Portogallo 16% 3% 23% 12% 16% 15%
Finlandia 6% 11% 26% 13% 17% 25%
Svezia 7% 2% 32% 16% 20% 20%
Regno Unito 5% 6% 41% 15% 18% 12%
MEDIA UE A 25 14% 6% 28% 14% 15% 17%

Fonte: Eurobarometro, “European Employment and Social Policy"

Greetings from Denmark!

Wellcome Iphone and Apple tv

When Jobs calls the iPhone "the most important product Apple has ever announced, with the possible exception of the Apple II and the Macintosh," he means, technologically. But now is not a terrible time to be hitting a home run...
Well that is the first important news of 2007. The Iphone and Apple Tv
from Iphone site:
"iPhone combines three products — a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device with desktop-class email, web browsing, maps, and searching — into one small and lightweight handheld device. iPhone also introduces an entirely new user interface based on a large multi-touch display and pioneering new software, letting you control everything with just your fingers. So it ushers in an era of software power and sophistication never before seen in a mobile device, completely redefining what you can do on a mobile phone. "

Into that iPod they stuffed a working version of Apple's operating system, OS X, so the phone could handle real, non-toy applications like Web browsers and e-mail clients. They put in a cell antenna, plus two more antennas for WiFi and Bluetooth; plus a bunch of sensors, so the phone knows how bright its screen should be, and whether it should display vertically or horizontally, and when it should turn off the touchscreen so you don't accidentally operate it with your ear.

from Apple tv site

Your computer is the center of your digital life. Your TV is the center of your entertainment life. But what if you want to watch movies, TV shows, movie trailers, podcasts, and photos from your computer on your TV? At $299, Apple TV brings iTunes to the big screen.

The revolution will be televised.

Say you’ve just downloaded Cars from iTunes. Instead of huddling around your computer to watch, you pop some popcorn while your computer wirelessly syncs your new flick to Apple TV. Then you pull up a seat, put up your feet, and pick up the included Apple Remote to play your movie on TV. Give yourself a hand: You've just changed the way you watch digital media.

A good article on Time
Well, I m not sure about Apple tv but probably i ll buy an 2014..

Costumize your Ipod with the puma's colors...FREE!

I wanna tell u about this good campaign of Puma tha for free costumize your Ipod.
U only have to iscribe on this site and write your address.. in one week, it will be on your personal Ipod..
Warning it is only for ITALY but if u have an italian it!

Campaign ideated thanks to

Saturday, January 06, 2007

r u ready for web 3.0?

from IA:
All in all 2007 is a preparation for the big infolution in 2008
Web 1.0 started as a streaming publish-to-read medium; web 2.0 has established itself as a publishing platform for everyone. Now web 3.0 is said to be a technologically advanced Internet, where the user executes and the machines do the thinking (ndr. "mmmmm").
Web 2.0 is the base for a democratic web. But like all democratic systems, the web needs basic democratic standards. These rules are not there to bore, restrict or subordinate us, they guarantee to get the maximum out of a collective. They guarantee a maximum amount of freedom for the maximum amount of people.
Phil Wainewright form ZD Net say: he suggests that Web 3.0 is going to deliver a new generation of (business) applications that will be ubiquitous and technically more sophisticated, semantic (programs understanding human language).
As all technological development, the Internet started as a simple thing (web 1.0) became more and more complicated (web 2.0) and will turn into a simple thing again. Web 3.0 is the synthesis of web 1.0 and web 2.0. It is not more technology, it is not more complicated, it is sophsticated.
The comlete article here!

toxic chemicals can damage your sperm: a new Greenpeace's viral

A new and creative viral from Greenpeace
to promove their new internet site about chemical reaction
Warning: toxic chemicals can damage your sperm

Agency: Thamesdown, Czech Republic
Creative Director: Viktor Lelek
Art Director: Jan Pohl
Copywriter: Ivan Peterka
Production Company: Simply Sirena
Film Director: Kryštof Michal
Production Company Producer: Pavel Miler

the 2007 web map

The iA Trend Map shows all the big players, the current Internet trends and how they’re connected. It’s totally unscientific and almost useless, but definitely fun to look at.
The Information Architets have developed a clever map of this year's big web trends
The map ID's all the players, blogs, media, companies and how they connect to the latest Internet trends.

The Best Web 2.0's sites

Wired has done a top ten of the best sites in web 2.0:

1. FACEBOOK This social networking site is gaining on MySpace as the hipster destination. Reportedly, it spurned a $750 million offer in hopes of netting $2 billion.

2. DIGG Claiming 20 million users a month, Digg is the Mack Daddy of news filters. News Corp. is rumored to have flirted with a purchase, but Rupert rejected the reported $150 million asking price.

3. TECHMEME Think Google News for tech blogs. The well-trafficked aggregator also has drill-downs for gossip, politics, and baseball. A deep-pocketed owner could easily extend it to dozens of other niches.

4. WIKIPEDIA You know it. Heck, you prob-ably contribute to it. The crush of traffic would be a financial windfall for any buyer, but the site is famously independent. Founder Jimmy Wales won’t even accept banner ads.

5. ZILLOW Thanks to this real estate data hound, everyone can know what you paid for your house, give or take a few grand. Accuracy is questionable, but every savvy home buyer has the site bookmarked.

6. TECHNORATI How else do you find out what the blogosphere is saying? The site tracks 59.7 million blogs, a few of which might even be talking smack about you.

7. WORDPRESS The new de rigueur blog-management software, WordPress is favored by the majority of high-traffic posters. One caveat: It’s open source and unlikely to accept a corporate come-on.

8. FEEDBURNER Probably the largest, most reliable provider of RSS services, FeedBurner cleans up and reformats RSS for blog sites. It then channels the feeds to nearly 30 million subscribers.

9. 37SIGNALS With its vaunted collection of Web-based collaboration and shared productivity tools (to-do lists, calendars, and so forth), 37signals offers the most genuinely useful service here.

10. RIYA This photo-search engine’s signature site,, helps shoppers find celebrity-look-alike fashions. Still in alpha, it might change the way we sort through images.

From Wired

new creative ad: welcome to captcha advertising!

What is captcha? it is the code of security when for ex u post a blog..well, some creatives asked themselves: why not a brand as a captcha code.
These are the resultsfrom

Friday, January 05, 2007

Creative commons and its potential: too dangerous for the italian mainstreaming..

I red on Lele Dainesi's blog , that there are some problem with creative commons italia.
What is Creative Commons? "It provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved."
We're a nonprofit organization. Everything we do — including the software we create — is free"
So, I paste the article of Lele Dainesi...hoping that u paste on your blog to expand this important information:

Marco cita una lezione (bella davvero) tenuta da Lawrence Lessig, papà di Creative Commons che ha una bella rubrica ogni mese su Wired. Sarebbe bello portarlo in Italia, vero? Verreste a seguire una lezione con lui come speaker che beve la birra?
Io avevo fatto un podcast a Eric Eldred dopo aver partecipato a una sua lezione (molto, molto simile a quella di Lessig comunque) e al rappresentante italiano di CC: Juan Carlos De Martin.
Proprio Juan Carlos in una mail oggi mi informa che stanno tentando di affossare a livello politico questa iniziativa nata dentro Internet per proteggere in modo “diverso” i contenuti.
Un breve estratto della sua mail di oggi:
lo sai che dal sito del governo [1] e’ sparito il nuovo contratto di servizio RAI 2007-2009? quello che parlava di creative commons?
Se clicchi sul vecchio link del documento in PDF [2], ti compare un messaggio di errore.
c’e’ in atto un tentativo molto forte di fare marcia indietro.
io sto muovendomi, ma e’ necessario aumentare la pressione dell’opinione pubblica, altrimenti si rimangiano tutto….
comunque far sparire cosi’ il documento….
juan carlos


Thursday, January 04, 2007

new year, new creativity, new guerrilla marketing

A very interesting guerrilla marketing campaign done by chewing gum brand Sportlife in The Netherlands. Videos of a skateboarder got projected on the walls in the main Dutch cities with the goal of draw people's attention on the Sportlife's call to action: "Can you make it to the pack?".


Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy new Year...hoping with new ideas

Ok guys, I wanna wish u an happy new year in my way!With some ads..
Buon anno
First: 2 new campaigns of Guerrilla marketing
Brand: Americal Apparel: Double page spread

Clear anti-dandruff shampoo

Claim: Remove to get 10% off Clear anti-dandruff shampoo

Agency: Lowe & Partners, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Second: a campaign about italian food (fish) for the Indian market.
Agency: Vyas Giannetti Creative, Mumbai, India
Creative Directors: Ryan Menezes, Sanjay Sipahimalani, Sambit Mohanty
Art Directors: Sukhendu Mukherjee, Nitin Kumar
Copywriter: Tushar Badal Pal
Illustrator: Nitin Kumar

Third: A new way to make viral marketing with e-mails...I don't like viral marketing on e-mail.I consider this way a form of spam beacause it is in a push way and not in a pull. But, this kind of viral marketing that Reanault has created for Megane, it is interesting..
to see the two kinds of e-mails. go on:
Happy new viral year....