The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Friday, December 28, 2007

Switch off your lamps.. Use CFL lamps. Watch the Video

Nice video to explain how simple is switch off your old lamp and use the CFL lamps.. most useful and less expensive and specially you can help the world against the global warming


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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The definitive guide to brands in virtual worlds

Nic of Kzero made a great job! All the brands who work or worked in a synthetic world are here.. Check it. It s really interesting

A to C

D to L

M to P

R to S

T to Z

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Stop stealing our forests. Friends of Earth's viral campaign

My friend Peter, creative director at Thelawfirm, had developed these viral where some illegal trees where planted in Amsterdam and Brussels . Since the police didn't show up we decided to bring the action to their front door ;)
More to come....anybody who's interested in their respective cities, let me know and we'll put it on the site....


read it and sign the petition at

The forests are disappearing
The earth’s forests are in trouble. Eighty per cent of all ancient forests worldwide have been destroyed. This threatens plants and animal species and worsens the poverty of people who are dependent on the forests. Deforestation also contributes to climate change: deforestation is responsible for as much as 20 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions.

Stolen wood in our homes
At least half of all wood entering Europe from high-risk areas* has been illegally logged. Illegal logging can mean, that the wood has been logged without a permit, or that more wood was logged than permitted. There’s a high chance that stolen wood can also be found in your own home. It may be in garden furniture, doors and window frames – but is also used in government projects.

Stop stealing our forests!
For years governments and politicians have discussed the problem of illegal logging. Now there’s an opportunity to do something about it. In early 2008 the European Commission will do a proposal to combat trade in illegally logged wood. Friends of the Earth believes environmental legislation should require all wood and wood products placed on the European market to be legally logged. Your support is crucial! Therefore sign the appeal to European Commissioners.

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Act Up, a guerrilla on velib bikes to safe sex

Nice and interesting guerrilla action of the team of Act Up. They putted something like pink condom on saddles of the parisian Velib. Good initative and a good buzz on an important thing.

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Social Guerrilla. Stop drive drunk. Arrive Alive campaign

Nice campaign for a topic really difficult to manage. Maybe some youth has taken this advice.

Advertising Agency: The Jupiter Drawing Room, South Africa
Creative Directors: Graham Warsop, Michael Blore, Tom Cullinan
Art Directors: Frank Van Rooijen, Chantelle Dos Santos
Copywriter: Gavin Stradi
Photographer: Graham Kietzmann


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