The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Monday, March 31, 2008

Crazy Marketing Network. Viral Promo

Hi folk!
After 20 days of silence here we are with a great post. I m really proud to show the first Viral promo to spread Crazy Marketing Network, a network of indipendent italian bloggers who speak about 2.0, advertising, marketing, design, noprofit.
The viral is a spoof about I m a Mac, I m a PC, but the two protagonists are conventional Marketing and non conventional marketing.

Buona visione

Agency: Socialware
Players: Filippo Giardina e Mauro Fratini (
Director: Luca Mobilio

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Nicco Teen. Stop smoking.. Tobacco kills ore than september 11

This post is for no smoke campaigns (even if I m a "not professional smoker"..)

Nicco Teen Campaign of League against Cancer

Advertising Agency: Soria&Grey, Bratislava, Slovakia
Art Director: Michal Mazan
Copywriter: Eva Lukacikova
Photographer: Erwin Olaf
Published: October 2007
Media: Cinema trailer

- Smoke

Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,377. Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000.

Advertising Agency: DDB New Zealand
Executive Creative Director: Toby Talbot
Art Director: Mike Davison
Copywriter: Paul Hankinson
Retoucher: Grant Allen / Slice

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Monday, March 03, 2008

Youporn and AdultFriendFinder. Video statistic about online porn.

How porn is going online? Good, really good! Yes bot how much? Well, Goodmagazine made this video that explain everything. A good girl can become a good desk to explain it becoming viral..


12% of all the sites that are on the Internet are pornographic

25% of all requests to the search engines are required pornographic

35% of all material downloaded from the internet is a pornographic

Every second 28258 people check internet pornography

Every second is spent $ 89.00 in pornography

Each day 266 new porn sites are created on the Internet.

SEX is the word most searched on the Internet.

Gains of American porn in 2006 were $ 2.84 $ Bilioni

The 72% of users of pornography on the Internet are men,

The 28% are women.

372 million Web pages dealing with pornography.

3% of these pages are created in England, 4% in Germany…….

89% are produced in the United States.

Adult Friend Finder is the site for most adults attended the world.

Here are more sites daily visits: # 1: 220 Million visits # 4: 196 Million visits

# 49 7.2 Million visits

# 145 NYTimes. Com: 4.1 Million visits

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Hydro viral. Train extreme

Hydro is a Norvegian company who works about energy and specially recycle. As many viral also in this one the main thing is a fake action well done.. It's becoming boring but it still works... What is interesting is that not only top brands, but also some area as an energy companies starts to use viral strategies.. Good job.

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

How viral is Gmail? Creative video.

This is what I mean with creativity.. Gmail live viral video! I think the time is becoming a real problem. Also this video is really long..

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