The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Vanguard: new game for Sony online enterteiment

The open beta Sigil’s Vanguard: Saga of Heroes begins, with the beta client up on FilePlanet as we speak, though only available to subscribers and preorder folks for the first week. With the beginning of this final phase of testing the NDA has also been lifted and tongues are wagging, including my own. I’ve been in the closed beta for the past several weeks now, having spent more than enough time to give you some basic impressions of the game.
Vanguard is an MMO created by Brad McQuaid, one of the creators of the original Everquest, who left the company to explore possibilities. Possibilities like creating a game that plays like the missing link between EQ1 and EQ2.
Sony Online Entertainment and Sigil Games Online has announced that open beta will begin tomorrow, January 5th, for the upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Tomorrow players that are participating in the pre-order program will be able to access the open beta. Other adventurers interested in exploring the world of Telon can head over to to begin their journey. Vanguard: Saga of Heroes will immerse players in a classical fantasy setting filled with magic and intrigue beginning in Q1 of 2007.

About Vanguard
The adventurous can choose from multiple paths of exploration within the three spheres of advancement: adventuring, crafting, and diplomacy. Players can delve into the mysteries of Telon, and embark upon quests to slay monstrous beasts locked deep inside rugged mountain ranges. Those with a quick mind can use diplomacy to convince kings to move armies and change the course of history. With player-crafted boats, flying mounts, and customizable player housing, Vanguard offers players a world of their own choosing.


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