The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bring the love back - advertiser vs consumer

The advertisers are comunicating always more different then their target..the consumers. The consumers want to decide and partecipate to the campaign, to the concept but also about the idea of a brand.. But usually the advertisers are blind in these things and they don't communicate with them.
For this Geert Desager and his agency has created a site called bringtheloveback and a video for Microsoft about the end of relation between a consumer and her advertiser.

As Geert says:
Together with our ad agency Openhere, I’m currently making a commercial for Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions. The film is called ‘The Couple’ and makes some statements about the relationship between today’s advertiser and today’s consumer. A quite risky project if you know that the commercial explicitly challenges the advertisers - our clients - to question themselves and the way they communicate with their target groups.

And when a video is interesting and speak directly to the users, the become directly a viral..



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