The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A second real life for the trees thanks Secondlife

This is a blog about viral and Secondlife..but it is becoming also a blog about social (from 3rd world till global warming).. Because this blog is the mirror of his owner and I believe that all of these 3 point can cooperate and have success..

An example is Secondchancetrees, a project in Secondlife where
for each virtual tree planted »on Second Chance Trees island« in Second Life (at a cost of L$300, or about US$1), Plant-It will plant one tree in the real world. Now, the Second Chance Trees project has a chance to be funded to the tune of one to five million dollars (and plant a corresponding number of real-world trees) through the American Express Members Project, where Second Chance Trees has made it into the round of 50 finalists. Vote for the project if you dig what you see.

Found on 3pointd

This is the video:

Well, we have the power to not die today... we have to use it!



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