The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 it dying or not?

It s a bit that I dont speak about Secondlife,and with some posts from the delicious Kzero of Kevin, I found different statistics to analyze this synthetic world that has always more polemics..
Let's go..

This is the resident analysis of June 2007:
  • Registered accounts = 7.7m
  • Increase of 12.7%
  • Unique accounts = 5.2m
  • Increase of 19.5%
  • Hours per month per unique account = 4.18

In terms of active users by country:

  • US 26.45% up 3.3%
  • UK 7.16% up 22.0%
  • Brazil 7.35% up 52.5%
  • Italy 5.46% up 12.3%

a small decrease of users in the last months..

a bigger decrease for unique users and registration..interesting..

This is for Kevin the story of Secondlife in this year.. I m agree with him..but actually I think we have to wait what is coming in that world because more sythetic worlds are increasing as for example there

The age ranges is almost always the same..25-34..but this is normal! Secondlife is really complex and a target of 18-24 like more WOW or Habbo

Interesting also how the percentual of female users is decreasing..

But check how many hours the users are on SL for each country..

And check for continent..

So what does it mean all this? Well, there is of course a decrease of the Sl grow.. but is it a sign of the end? I dont think so.. Secondlife and more in general the synthetic worlds are the future.. we want an internet always more immersive and the Synthetic worlds are the most immersive space that we know..
They can't die but maybe they ll grow slowiest that all the world was thinking..



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I don't think that SL is dying.

I believe that the increase of SL's media coverage of late has resulted in the introduction of a different kind of users - those who joined SL to try-out but without the necessary skillsets or access to tools/information to really leverage on SL's full set of features. I liken this to introducing a Windows user to a Linux Desktop for the first time without any personal training to support - some users are not patient enough to read through documentations & tutorials, nor explore the system on their own. (or in the case of SL, going through the orientation islands, getting familiarized with the build tools, engaging other residents, trying out what SL commerce & businesses are like etc.)

Perhaps, given enough time, we would see the media frenzy die down and SL's growth stabilizing as a result.

3:29 PM


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