The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Another good banner viral video for Apple

To promote the new OS Leopard for Mac, Apple has created another viral called "New York Times Quote" of the wonderful saga "I m a Mac, I m a PC", and also this time with a banner viral video.
Check it!

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Total registered account and Marketing activity across synthetic worlds

My friends of Kzero made another wonderful job. Here we are with 2 really good analysis, one about the total registered account in synthetic worlds and the othern the marketing activity of the most important brands in synthetic worlds.

Total registered account in synthetic worlds

On this analysis I think is interesting see how many worlds are developed for childrens and teens. as Neopets and Lego Universe (coming soon). Onether good view is seeing the worlds about sports as Empire of Sports and Football superstar.

from Kzero:


Reliable references/sources (company websites, press releases etc) have been used to populate, combined with run-rate forecasts. Where no data is available, the virtual world is only represented by the launch date. This is work in progress analysis and should be treated as such. Analysis will be updated regularly. Excludes fantasy-based MMOGs.

Average age data uses K Zero estimates based on brand positioning, company statements and companies present in-world. These estimates will be changed if/when more accurate (company-supplied) data is obtained. E&OE.

The marketing activity of the most important brands in synthetic worlds.

Nice to see different brands invests money in synthetic worlds. As normal, Toyota is the most adventurous marketer..

Thanks again Kzero!

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Viral video lesson on a web tv 3

3rd episode of the viral video lesson at with Gianluca Arnesano of Icemedia and me!

technorati tags: tags:
icerocket tags:
keotag tags:

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Smart viral marketing strategy for Cloverfield

Simply amazing the viral campaign for the new film produced to JJ Abrams (one of the author of Lost) and directed by Matt Reeves. Cloverfield basically speaks about a big monster who eats New York and the key of the film is a new way of The blair witch broject, with fake amatorial camera and a low budget. Just 25 million $.

To promote this movie a big viral campaign was produced with fake virals. One month ago, fake videos about tv news were appeared on internet who spoke about the distruction of a oil tanker in the middle of Atlantic Ocean. The owner of the oil tanker was the japanese Tagruato, a fake oil tanker company; as well the fault of this destruction was attributed to the environmentalist association TIDO Wave, as well fake.

The news was produced in different language:
Chuai Station "News" Reports - YouTube Channel
English News

German News
Italian News

Spanish News
French News
Russian News
Japanese News
Korean News

To increase the views and the buzz, it was also created a fake video blogger, a nice blonde girl who speaks about her and her Teddy bear and about Cloverfield too..

It s not finish. Fake commercial of a fake drink were made. Slusho.

Since five years ago this drink is a kind of brand of JJ Abrams. In some episode of Alias, Heros appears this drink. Anatother way to promote the movie and the buzzing on it.

and what about the movie videos and trailers?
Well, the officials are 15..
TV Commercial #1 - Monster

TV Commercial #2 - Robert
TV Commercial #3 - Teaser
TV Commercial #4 - We Are Not Alone
TV Commercial #5 - Some Thing Has Arrived
TV Commercial #6 - Who Would You Go Back For?
TV Commercial #7 - Their Only Hope Is Each Other
TV Commercial #8 - Experience The Event
TV Commercial #9 - Tunnel Rats
TV Commercial #10 - Some Thing Has Found Us (15 sec)
TV Commercial #11 - Discover The Secret (15 sec)
TV Commercial #12 - Who Would you Save (15 sec)
TV Commercial #13 - Cobra Mix
TV Commercial #14 - Breathe
TV Commercial #15 - Extreme

just a note. The story links to who is reporting that Cloverfield has stomped the competition and was #1 on Friday:
1. CLOVERFIELD - $16,750,000
2. 27 DRESSES - $7,650,000
3. THE BUCKET LIST - $4,150,000

from cloverfieldclues , the fake/real blog of the movie

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Viral video lesson on a web tv 2

Hi everybody here we are the second video about viral video lesson

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Viral video lesson on a web tv

Hi everybody and welcome again on Viralavatar. During december I was interviewed about viral marketing by N3TV, one of the best web tv in Italy. The topic was so interested for the authors that they made 8 episodes.
In this interview I m with Gianluca Arnesano of Icemedia who wrote the first book about Viral Markeitng in Italy.

Here the first episode.. unfortunately it just in italian..

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