The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Order your blogs with google reader

I wanna sign up u Google reader, a simple and very handy internet site who can help u to read blogs that u read every day. With the shared items it ll say u the new topics in all blogs that u usually read.. In the video there is a little tutorial about the site..

It is genial!

Random pics of my birthday

my twin Marie...she was born my same day and year..26 september 1983..We made the party togheter..

Leo Burnett opens virtual agency in Second Life

Leo Burnett opens virtual agency in Second Life

LONDON - Leo Burnett and Arc Worldwide are launching a creative department in the virtual world Second Life.

Called Leo Ideas Hub, the department will bring together more than 1,600 creatives from the global network.

Devised by Leo Burnett London, the project will be a centre where creatives can interact with colleagues from around the world working on briefs, sharing ideas and showcasing their work.

Link to the article

Suzanne Vega..The fist singer in action in a virtual world

In August 2006, Suzanne Vega will become the first major recording artist to perform live in Second Life avatar form. This forms part of a larger project sponsored by The Infinitive Mind, a public radio show which has hired Infinitive Vision Media to create a permanent presence in Second Life.

La cantante Suzanne Vega si è esibita online in agosto grazie ad un avatar digitale. L'esperimento è stato promosso da The Infinitive Mind, una web radio che l'ha fatta esibire su di un palco realizzato all'interno di Second Life, il mondo virtuale in 3D più famoso della rete. La Vega ha suonato nello studio reale della radio, e nel mentre era imitata dal suo avatar virtuale. Il concerto è stato visto da cento fortunati fan iscritti a Second Life che hanno seguito l'evento davanti ai loro pc, ma anche virtualmente, con i loro avatar.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

why u must buy a Mac

See these funny videos and u ll understand why is better have a Mac

English version:

Italian Version:

The science of sleep: The last movie of Michel Gondry

Hi guys...I found finally some times to speak you about The science of sleep. The last saturday i ve gone to the Copenhagen Internation Film Festival where there was the introduction at the Michel Gondry's new film.. It was a very good movie and..everywhere you are..Go to see this movie!
English Version_France's Michel Gondry -- best known for directing music videos for Bjork and Beck, commercials for Smirnoff and the Gap, and movies for audiences willing to take the meandering (Human Nature) along with the mesmerizing (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Dave Chappelle's Block Party) -- doesn't see the world the way the rest of us do. This is all to the good, especially in the wildly inventive Science of Sleep, which takes place mostly among the cascading dreams in Gondry's head. Gondry visits the real world only as a takeoff point. Fusing animation and live action with a series of outrageous props, Gondry veers dangerously close to being precious. But make no mistake: Gondry's hallucinatory brilliance holds you in thrall.(extract from are moments that call to mind the works of Lynch and Cronenberg, directors who are also unafraid to reproduce their dreams in all their incoherence on the screen. And there other moments, like the ethereal beauty of Stefane dreamflying through a rear-projected fantasy world, that could only come from Gondry, who knows in this CGI age that crude effects are often more striking than polished ones. The range of images is truly astonishing: one shot could be mistaken for something by Stan Brakhage, and the next wouldn't look out of place in a child's experiments with his parents' camcorder.(from
ITALIAN VERSION_Stéphane è un giovane timido e impacciato con una fervida immaginazione che vive in un mondo eccentrico tutto suo fatto di sogni che rischiano di farlo distaccare dalla vita reale. Giunto in Francia dove, secondo sua madre, lo aspetta il lavoro che ha sempre desiderato, rimane profondamente deluso nelle sue speranze e trova conforto solo nell'amicizia con la sua vicina di casa, Stéphanie, che lo aiuta a superare i momenti di sconforto e si rivela molto attenta e interessata ai suoi progetti. Stéphane si innamora della ragazza e anche i suoi sogni sembra che stiano per realizzarsi con la pubblicazione di un calendario da lui illustrato, ma a farlo tornare alla dura realtà sarà proprio Stéphanie che improvvisamente sente distante

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Hey guys me , Nico and Ilic are organaizing a party in Studeterhuset in October...soon we ll speak u when,,,,
this is the first Cover...
what do u think about it?

The first Civil Submarine in my LIFE!!!

Only in Denmark u can see a Civil submarine around the city...Crazy CPH...wonderful time...and it is only the 2nd month....
Italy I miss your food and your weather but I m not sure to come back...
My 23rd Birthday...

HEY TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY...This is my roommate Martin, he is Danish and he is one of few good danish cooker...together our dinner became very delicious...

Hey new pics in my new crazy town...Wonderful the last 3 weeks the weather was wonderful...Sun, 20, fun and...U know..

Sunday, September 24, 2006

demostration for Crhistiania

amager beach

Hi guys Hi guys...the beach that u see is calls Amager beach and it is very close to my flat.. there are on sea like 20 s wonderful and at the opposite side there are the Kyte surfers..
I love this city...
Wonderful Copenhagen

What's else?

Friday, September 22, 2006

How many blogs are there in Italy

In this picture there is the answer! With Google Maps, Tony Siino has studied how many blogs and there are in Italy and for each lands..
Rome, naturally, is the first...

to know more

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I wanna speak you about an internet site that s calls This site is an application who simulate in real time since you have started watching the site:
  1. people have been born
  2. people have died
  3. tonnes of CO2 have been emitte
With this site ( nice grahic) David Bleja, the mentor of it, want try to make aware about OUR WORLD...

Breathing Earth (La terra che respira) è un'applicazione dell'australiano/polacco David Bleja, che simula in tempo reale nascite, morti ed emissioni di CO2 del nostro pianeta, visualizzandole su una mappa. Ipnotica, come osserva Tim O'Reilly, ci fa rendere conto di quanto sia piccolo il posto che ognuno di noi occupa sulla terra, e di come la nostra civiltà la stia progressivamente — e irrimediabilmente — rovinando.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


The big net try to hasnt a monopoly, that monopoly who one time the people thought it was of Microsoft.. In the last years new websites and programs differents than Microsoft brand were born and later, Microsoft tried to do the same wihoout a big succesful..So many case history there are for it. Windows live spaces for the blogs,
Windows Live favorites, Windows search...All of these didnt have a big succesful. The onliest Windows program that has a big success in these last year is MSN messenger. But in the last year the business on the net are the websites where the people can upload their personal video. These are AOL Video, Yahoo Video, Google Video and MySpace Video...All of these are competitors of the Leader YOU TUBE ( you dont know it too). You Tube isthe next gift for young Murdoch, the prospect of laying out is $1 billionWith MySpaceunder his belt, it’s certainly logical for him to want to combine his 80% market share of social networking with YouTube’s 60% market share of online video.....
Top 10 Video Sharing Sites in the UK, Based on Market Share of Visits to the Custom Category, Week to 24th June 2006

But from today there is also Soapbox (version Beta), the new internet website about online video product by Microsoft..
The feature set includes:

* Upload videos in almost any format—like from your video or digital camera (maximum file size is currently 100MB)
* Tag and categorize your videos to make it easy for other people to find them
* Watch original videos and browse for new ones at the same time
* Set up your own personal RSS feeds for videos you’re interested in
* Use your Windows Live Spaces profile with Soapbox on MSN Video
* Embed a video on your Web site or blog

to know better the new important web sites (in italian):
MySpace( è il più noto, ma non è detto che sia il più valido, dipende dagli usi e dai bisogni; ci si registra, si compila un proprio profilo, si accede ai blog, si possono caricare foto e soprattutto creare gruppi di amici, o entrare in altri gruppi. Sono 86 milioni le persone che vi aderiscono, variamente raggruppandosi per interessi e passioni. Acquistato per 580 milioni di dollari dal magnate dei Media Murdoch, è divenuto ormai anche uno spazio pubblico, specialmente per gli amanti della musica e un modo di promozione delle band.
Flikr( è un gigantesco archivio di foto scattate dai partecipanti e dotate di un'etichetta (tag) che le raggruppa per argomenti. Ognuno può dunque accumulare le foto scattate, che invierà attraverso la rete. Può renderle visibili a tutti e queste saranno reperibili attraverso un motore di ricerca interno per categorie. Anche in questo caso ci sono i profili personali e la possibilità di alimentare il proprio blog a partire da Flikr.
You Tube( l'idea è analoga a quella di Flikr, con la differenza che anziché mettere in pubblico delle foto, qui si tratta di brevi video digitali autoprodotti, su qualsivoglia argomento. Ovviamente c'è di tutto, dalle torture di Abu Ghraib ai filmati di vacanze in Botswana ai 10 migliori goal di tutti i tempi. In entrambi questi casi è sconvolgente come su qualsiasi parola si immetta nel motore di ricerca di questi siti, si trovi sempre qualcosa, e spesso assai bella.

link: (Soap box web site) (in italian)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

random cph 7

random cph 5

random cph 4

random cph 3

random cph 2

random cph 1

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

1000 and 1 nights..

Sorry guys.. i know in this period i wrote and upload only few pics.. but i m in a mistake.. i ve not yet a room and i ll venot this before 17 10 days i changed 6 flats.. and believe me, it is not so good... so, to take u some of work to do...
i m reading an american book in english language..the name is Jpod and the writer his Douglas Coupland.. this is an extract of it::::

Ethan Jarlewski and five co-workers whose surnames begin in 'J' are bureaucratically marooned in jPod. jPod is a no-escape architectural limbo on the fringes of a massive Vancouver game design company.
The six workers daily confront the forces that define our era: global piracy, boneheaded marketing staff, people smuggling, the rise of China, marijuana grow-ops, Jeff Probst, and the ashes of the 1990s financial tech dream.

JPod's universe is amoral and shameless. The characters are products of their era even as they're creating it. Everybody in Ethan's life inhabits a moral grey zone. Nobody is exempt, not even his seemingly straitlaced parents or Coupland himself.

Full of word games, visual jokes and sideways jabs, JPod throws a sharp, pointed lawn dart into the heart of contemporary life.

but this is the best:


this is the cover of book and u can buy it on for 12 dollars more or less.. 450 pages
should be a good shop..
see u guys.
what´s else?

Friday, September 01, 2006

Hi guys, sorry for my miss but i was so busy here in Copenhagen...So i m here from only one week and it was happened so many things..i lived in 4 flats thanks couchsurfing ( visit it...) and now i m living with Nico in a flat of a Thai guy...
So this is naturally the simbol of Copenhagen and
down it is a studio of a danish television...(TVR2).... the strange thing is that the place where they are is the main trainstation,.. this is the flat where i lived for the first 3 is the flat of Nynne and Mads.. she is a couchsurfer..thanks
It is copenhagen by night.. i was in a party at the last floor of a building in the center and it was crazy and nice... i knew many people...
Here i m with my two Compari, Nico and Ilico when we arrived with the train in Copenhagen..
Here i m in LEGOLAND!!!!!!!!i have 2 bricks like souvenirs...thank u LEGO...