The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The science of sleep: The last movie of Michel Gondry

Hi guys...I found finally some times to speak you about The science of sleep. The last saturday i ve gone to the Copenhagen Internation Film Festival where there was the introduction at the Michel Gondry's new film.. It was a very good movie and..everywhere you are..Go to see this movie!
English Version_France's Michel Gondry -- best known for directing music videos for Bjork and Beck, commercials for Smirnoff and the Gap, and movies for audiences willing to take the meandering (Human Nature) along with the mesmerizing (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Dave Chappelle's Block Party) -- doesn't see the world the way the rest of us do. This is all to the good, especially in the wildly inventive Science of Sleep, which takes place mostly among the cascading dreams in Gondry's head. Gondry visits the real world only as a takeoff point. Fusing animation and live action with a series of outrageous props, Gondry veers dangerously close to being precious. But make no mistake: Gondry's hallucinatory brilliance holds you in thrall.(extract from are moments that call to mind the works of Lynch and Cronenberg, directors who are also unafraid to reproduce their dreams in all their incoherence on the screen. And there other moments, like the ethereal beauty of Stefane dreamflying through a rear-projected fantasy world, that could only come from Gondry, who knows in this CGI age that crude effects are often more striking than polished ones. The range of images is truly astonishing: one shot could be mistaken for something by Stan Brakhage, and the next wouldn't look out of place in a child's experiments with his parents' camcorder.(from
ITALIAN VERSION_Stéphane è un giovane timido e impacciato con una fervida immaginazione che vive in un mondo eccentrico tutto suo fatto di sogni che rischiano di farlo distaccare dalla vita reale. Giunto in Francia dove, secondo sua madre, lo aspetta il lavoro che ha sempre desiderato, rimane profondamente deluso nelle sue speranze e trova conforto solo nell'amicizia con la sua vicina di casa, Stéphanie, che lo aiuta a superare i momenti di sconforto e si rivela molto attenta e interessata ai suoi progetti. Stéphane si innamora della ragazza e anche i suoi sogni sembra che stiano per realizzarsi con la pubblicazione di un calendario da lui illustrato, ma a farlo tornare alla dura realtà sarà proprio Stéphanie che improvvisamente sente distante


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