The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

legoland 2

legoland 2


Monday, August 21, 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

trip in the north 3

We had another night to sleep..Ok but where.. so we decide to sleep in the lighthouse..Great idea guys. We went in a supermarket and took some paperboard like beds and we had also some duvets..PERFECT!! we ate and drunk in the room where one time there was the light..

Here we r "i 3 scassoni" me, Nico and Ilic...we ll go together in Copenhagen and there... In the morning we waked up early and during the day we drived and saw other two city: Thisted and Skive...Not so nice, but always rained and our program changed every one hour..
In this pic u can see the soul of Denmark... many propellers that generate ecologica energy

In Skive we saw a fountain where the water streamed out the floor.. And naturally the children played with the water. This picture remember me SO MANY THINGS.....

Monday, August 14, 2006

trip in the north 2

Our trip was continue to Norre Lyngby...Guys I never could imagine who the world made a place like this... It is a big hill of sand who during the years the wind and the sandhas destroyed 4 or 5 houses and was covered an half of a light house This is the lighthouse and the houses... Hvor fedt! (So cool!) This is the only enter to go in the lighthouse.It is a little bit hard but very funny and after the vision that u can see at the histest floor pay for all.. WATCH THE VIDEO..

The strangest thing is that around this hill u can see only woods and plants and u cant imagine why an hill like this can exist in this place..The power of nature

trip in the north

The last week-end me and many of us rented 2 cars and we went in the north of Denmark. We started with 3 cars, this meaning..15 people, 8 italians..naturally italian was the official language of the travel.

In this picture the equipe of my car: me, Ilic, Nico, Simone and Agnese. A fantastic equipe in a fantastic car.. U ll know because only later.
After only 10 minutes the french, our ipotetical guide, told us that he losted the direction. Me and my car took the guide for 3 days without big problems...Italians do it better..
In this pic we r me and Peter, the crazy Hungarian guy official pht of our trip. Here, we r in Aalborg, the 3th biggest city of Denmark and our first stop, where we decide also to sleep... While we walked around the city without a real destination, we met a little festival jazz. It was wonderful. The most of people were more or less 60s but they danced and moved their Ass. Naturally we made a pics with the most crazies of them. Note the jazz caps and the neckthie of the second, yellow with the smiles..

I told before that we slept in Aalborg...and so we did. It wasnt sure my best night in my life but...

In the morning we went to Skegen, the last city before the cape of Denmark. In this picture u can see the port. It was nice with so many seagulls who flied near the fishermans tinding some fishes

And aftere we went finally at the cape. This cape is famous because the north's sea and baltic's sea meet in this place and u can see the waves of the two seas SLAMS!

Image of repertory....

we saw the sea stars...

...and hundreds of there r more than 100 species of birds..

Wonderful place

Friday, August 11, 2006

tirp to Aarhus 2

Il gruppo di sotto è composto da 1 italiano e un francese..sapreste indovinare quale? postate nei commenti...non indovinerete mai!

Denmark is a great country...U can take the bike for 20 dkk( more or less 2,60 euro..) but it is like in the supremarket with the shopping cart..after u can take again your this way u can go around the city with a Free byke..ABSOLUTLY GREAT!
Around our bike trip we met a tree with many "ciucci" (sorry I dont know the name in english). So we asked about it and the people told us that one child thing that he is young.. He put is "ciuccio" on a tree..the meaning of this is the the finish of them child period
This is a big mill in a garden of Aarhus..Guys I never see a mill like this..So big!!

What's else..?

trip to Aarhus

Yesterday we went in Aarhus with the course. I thought that should be hard for me and my foot but..I m in Denmark and I must see everything that I can. So we started at 8,50 AM (Shit!) and we went to Aarhus in this strange park called DEN GAMLE BY.

It is the peraprhase of an old city of middle age, but all things are original about that time. The building, the street, the river and also the people who work there are wear with clothes of the middle age.

The more strange thing is see the children while go to take the water or clean the clothes or the windows..

It was a false place but in this way the turists and foreigns can know the old culture of Denmark in a dynamic way and in a funny way..