The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

trip in the north 3

We had another night to sleep..Ok but where.. so we decide to sleep in the lighthouse..Great idea guys. We went in a supermarket and took some paperboard like beds and we had also some duvets..PERFECT!! we ate and drunk in the room where one time there was the light..

Here we r "i 3 scassoni" me, Nico and Ilic...we ll go together in Copenhagen and there... In the morning we waked up early and during the day we drived and saw other two city: Thisted and Skive...Not so nice, but always rained and our program changed every one hour..
In this pic u can see the soul of Denmark... many propellers that generate ecologica energy

In Skive we saw a fountain where the water streamed out the floor.. And naturally the children played with the water. This picture remember me SO MANY THINGS.....


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