The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Monday, August 14, 2006

trip in the north 2

Our trip was continue to Norre Lyngby...Guys I never could imagine who the world made a place like this... It is a big hill of sand who during the years the wind and the sandhas destroyed 4 or 5 houses and was covered an half of a light house This is the lighthouse and the houses... Hvor fedt! (So cool!) This is the only enter to go in the lighthouse.It is a little bit hard but very funny and after the vision that u can see at the histest floor pay for all.. WATCH THE VIDEO..

The strangest thing is that around this hill u can see only woods and plants and u cant imagine why an hill like this can exist in this place..The power of nature


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grazie per le info sul tuo blog, FINALMENTE ci fate vedere qualcosa anche a noi relegati soltanto in ufficio... Excellent places & people!

1:48 PM


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