The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

First days at school

Today we went at the first lesson of Danish. this language is not so difficult to understand but the difficult.

The professor is very funny she learns us like if we are babies..probably it is a better way to learn. But the night before i went to bed, we drank with the guys and tutors and today when there was the lesson with the tutor Brian...I told him: "Brian, I sleep in the classroom..see u.." So, in the afternoon we went to play football Italy vs the World.. naturally we won. Here the beer is very cheap.. and we take only boxes with 16 bottles for each.. U can imagine... I m looking some advertising on the tv and on the news paper.. I wanna analyze some of them.. The next days u ll can read it..for now, that's all

What's else?


Blogger balexandre said...

I'm Portuguese, and Slovak is much beter to pernonuce than the scandinavia language (danish, norwegian, finish or swedish) :-)

I can see that you are set! hope you enjoy your stay, and you have my contacts from my blog, just give me a call (or sms) we can always get to know each other.

9:24 AM


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