The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Friday, August 11, 2006

trip to Aarhus

Yesterday we went in Aarhus with the course. I thought that should be hard for me and my foot but..I m in Denmark and I must see everything that I can. So we started at 8,50 AM (Shit!) and we went to Aarhus in this strange park called DEN GAMLE BY.

It is the peraprhase of an old city of middle age, but all things are original about that time. The building, the street, the river and also the people who work there are wear with clothes of the middle age.

The more strange thing is see the children while go to take the water or clean the clothes or the windows..

It was a false place but in this way the turists and foreigns can know the old culture of Denmark in a dynamic way and in a funny way..


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