The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Creatives are bad: my presentation
Do u remember Creatives are bad, the advertising convention in the south of Italy, where the organization called me as an expert of viralmarketing? Well after a week I have the pics of the event and specially the slides of my presentation.

Well I have to say that it was a real proud for me to do a presentation about viralmarketing and know at the convention some people that opened my mind as:
Fulvio Zendrini - Marketing manager at Piaggio ItaliaAlex Badalic of AAA-copywriter
and Pierluigi Emmulo of Communication village
This is the exhibition

thisone the location of the convention.. an old cappella.. great
and this is me during my presentation
and here during another presentation

The convention was pretty cool but unfortunatly I discovered that the italian advertisers live in the past compare to the other countries and are pretty closed also with the mind.. a sign of an ipothetic change is this convention organized in the south of Italy.
and I hope to show as soon is possible also some videos of the convention
