The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Crazy Marketing Network. Italian indipent marketers

I m glad to claim a really good initiative about italian bloggers who speaks about marketing, advertising, social, guerrilla, synthetic worlds, to create an independent network. The network is composed:

Brand Blog
Campagne Sociali
Comunicazione Sociale
Enjoy the market
Fundraising Now!
Innovative Marketing and Advertising
Lo direi così
Simply ADdicted

and me viralavatar

Almost all in Italian but we try harder...u remember the claim no?


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Work for everybody, it doesnt matter where

This interesting video of ABC World News explain show is possible today work online while you are in your flat or wherever u want... And it exactly what I m doing. This is cool and today it is possible in every kind of job. Believe me! Are u not sure?
Ask me, and I ll solve your problems.

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9/11 also on Second life

Also on Secondlife is been remember 9/11. A sign of this synthetic world and how it can be always more "real".
From 3pointd:

There have been several examples of the twin towers being rebuilt in the virtual world of Second Life, but with the anniversary of that awful day with us once again, I would like to bring to your attention a site that I feel deserves a special mention: the World Trade Center sim. As I write this, it is still being finalised, ready for an official opening to coincide with the time the first plane hit. What singles this site out is that it does not attempt to undo what has happened. Rather, it commemorates those from many. many nations who died in that dreadful and tragic atrocity.

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if the ladears dont wanna hear, make some noise for Human rights

Nice ad of Amnesty international for their concert about the campaign "Make some noise". It's true, leaders dont want to hear what's happening, so, this ad represent this idea. Like babies, like ignorants, like leaders.

Make some noise for human rights.
Amnesty International.
Concert Danube bank in front of the Parliament.

Advertising Agency: DDB, Budapest, Hungary
Creative Director: Milos Ilic
Art Director: Lukasz Brzozowski
Copywriters: Milos Ilic, Lukasz Brzozowski
Photographer: Gabor Mate
Published: June 2007

240px 160px

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Nestle, good food, good life..good lie

After the problems of Mattel with their product made in China, Nestlè has thought to protect it self with this campaign.
The claim says:
Nothing is more valuable for a child.
Give a toy.
Nestle. Good Food, Good Life

It s pretty strange that the multinational with the most problems of coerency and human right in the world try to create a good image of it self using a disaster crisis of another multinational (Mattel)..

It s really unconcrete or better diabolic!

Strange because you can read just some example of Nestlè boycott..

This will be a real boomerang for Nestlè.. and I hope so!

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Viral for the labour party

A good viral for a good reason.. a change! Unfortunatly, this will become a great viral (a girl who dances is always a success..) but I dont know how much can create a change!
From adverbox:
Asabailey have created this online viral and TV campaign to create debate between consumers and the media in the Midlands and the North of England, all as an early general election looks ever more likely...Using real Mobile Phone style footage, and images of “life under Labour” the campaign highlights the darker sides of life in modern New Labour Britain and places the blame firmly at the feet of the current Labour government. have created this online viral and TV campaign to create debate between consumers and the media in the Midlands and the North of England, all as an early general election looks ever more likely.

The site to create the debate is

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Goodbye Windows..UBUNTU is with me now!

After more than a week of we are! Yes, because I ve defenetly deleted Windows to switch in the open source OS Ubuntu..
guys, this is cool... this is the future..

and Nelson Mandela is with me
