The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 more time

I am starting to be really in doubt with these campaigns..I mean, they touch my heart every single day but I dont think it is the same for the others.. Are these ads really useful or at least, people don't care that they are dying..Claim:

We are all together.
Do your bit.

Advertising Agency: DDB, Sao Paulo, Brazil
via: Adnerd


The future is man made.
Habitat loss kills millions of Australian animals every year and has driven the Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby to the verge of extinction. What happens next is up to us. Even small changes to the way you live can help. Become a Futuremaker and help WWF create a better world for every living thing.


The future is man made.
If the current rate of climate change continues, the Great Barrier Reef as we know it will be destroyed. What happens next is up to us. Even small changes to the way you live can help. Become a Futuremaker and help WWF create a better world for every living thing.


The future is man made.
All 6 species of sea turtles found in Australian waters are threatened with extinction. What happens next is up to us. Even small changes to the way you live can help. Become a Futuremaker and help WWF create a better world for every living thing.

Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Sydney, Australia
Creative Director: Mark Collis
Art Director: Michael Spirkovski
Copywriter: Grant McAloon
Photographer: Andreas Smetana



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