The 3 things you can't fake are: erections, competence and creativity Douglas Coupland - from Jpod

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Virtual blog for Cisco

Crisis or not, Secondlife goes on...and also the agencies and the brands that are in! The lastone is Cisco that has created a virtual blog. As Christian Renaud, Chief Architect of the Networked Virtual Environments team at Cisco, says in the inaugural post:
"We believe that these environments offer an excellent new tool in our collaboration toolbox, alongside established technologies like IP Telephony, Web Collaboration, and Telepresence. They also offer a number of new opportunities to collaborate in ways we haven't had before, which is intuitively obvious to those who use them regularly, but we'll work on enumerating in future blogposts."

via business communicator
If the claim of Cisco is "welcome to the human network" , well maybe in the next future it will be "welcome to the (virtual) human network"..

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